Tuesday, September 11, 2007

About Program Sessions

1. Reflection and Quiet Time
A session at the start of each day to inspire participants and reflect on issues relevant to the conference themes. The usual format involves a short presentation, followed by a period of silence to reflect on the theme(s) discussed. There is also an opportunity for sharing any new insights.

2. Talk Show Plenary Sessions
A talk show plenary sessions will have a theme for each day. Each session will involve a panel of speakers expressing their perspectives and life experiences.

3. Skill Workshops
A practical expression of creativity in various mediums - music, dance, drama and art. Participants will share the outcomes of their workshops at the end of the forum.

4. Family Group
Time each day is spent in small groups of around 10 people, where each individual is invited to share his/her life story. It is an opportunity to deepen relationships and build mutual trust amongst participants.

5. The World Café
Whether in small groups or in complex systems, it is through human conversation that we discover shared meaning, access collective intelligence, and evolve the future together. The World Cafe as a metaphor is a guiding image for this core process.

6. Open Space
It is a way to convene people for a conference, retreat or meeting. "Technology" in this case means 'tool' - a process; a method. Its essential core is the invitation to take responsibility for what you love. The remarkable outcome of this simple idea is that when participants do so, the needs of both the individual and the collective are met.

7. Action Project with Local Community
There will be a special time of a whole day for all participants to visit the Local communities in West Java area and working together doing social work.

8. Cultural Night
Each country represented at the conference will be offered an opportunity to share their history, culture and customs. The intention is to build greater understanding of the diversity of this region, and respect for each others traditions and history

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